Charge Smarter, Not Harder

To be the leading name in personal EV charging solutions

About Rheidon Tech

Who We Are

Rheidon Tech, where innovation meets electrification, sets the standard in EV chargers for personal use with cutting-edge technology, eco-friendly solutions, and a cool design that redefines the charging experience.

What We Do

We specialize in designing and manufacturing cutting-edge EV chargers that empower electric vehicle owners with reliable, easy to use, and eco-friendly charging solutions.

Why Choose Us

Rheidon Tech not only delivers top-tier Ev chargers but also offers unparalleled innovation, eco-friendly solutions, and exceptional customer support that redefines the EV charging landscape.


Charge Smarter, Not Harder

At Rheidon Tech, we're charged up and revved to power the future! Our mission is simple yet electrifying: we're here to empower EV owners, daredevils, and go-getters who choose the electrifying path to conquer the open road. We're on a mission to make electric vehicles more convenient and accessible by providing high-quality, innovative EV chargers.Our commitment is to energize your journey, enabling you to explore more and stress less.


To be the leading name in personal EV charging solutions

Picture this: a world where range anxiety is nothing but a distant memory, and electric vehicle enthusiasts roam freely without hesitation. At Rheidon Tech, we envision a world where every adventure starts with confidence, where you can plug in and power up with ease. Our vision is to be the leading name in personal EV charging, known for our innovation, quality, and unwavering support for the EV community. Together, we'll electrify the world and spark a revolution on wheels!

Our Story


In a world dominated by combustion engines, a band of electrified rebels emerged. They were Rheidon Tech and they had a shockingly simple mission: to make electric vehicles as convenient as your morning coffee. Our journey began with a spark of inspiration and a hint of madness.

Picture it: the open road, the thrill of adventure, and the freedom to go wherever you want. Rheidon Tech was born to power up the bold, the adventurous, and the uncompromising souls who choose the electric path.

We set out to craft the most reliable and innovative EV chargers for electric vehicles, combining quality, style and convenience. The Rheidon Tech brand became a symbol of empowerment, conquering range anxiety and sparking journeys that exceeded every expectation.

As we've grown, we've stayed true to our values of quality, adventure, and shockingly good customer service; We're not just a brand; we're a community of enthusiasts, here to charge up your ride and your spirits.

Join us on the electrifying journey, where "Watts all about you" is not just a slogan but a lifestyle. We are Rheidon Tech, and we're here to electrify your world, one Watt at a time.

Rheidon Tech - A Lifud Company

Rheidon Tech is set up by leveraging the technology advantage, as well as the manufacturing and supplying capability of Lifud who is one of the leading LED driver brands in the world.

Rheidon Tech strives to provide the world with the best energy products. With our reliable, professional engineers, highly talented team, deep cooperation with powerful component suppliers and most committed service system, we provide our clients with safe, stable and efficient solutions for all different kinds of energy projects. You can always find the most suitable energy system solution for your needs.